Feb 04, 2023

Headshot Vs. Resume: Which is King?

Headshot of girl with arms crossed and wearing a black jacket over a blue top.

The Value of a Professional Headshot

Headshot Vs. Resume: Which One is More Important?

We have all heard the saying; “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Let’s face it, we are all guilty of making almost instantaneous judgments about others based on what we see. We may try not to. We may even make a conscious effort not to make these quick judgments but, we still do it. Even if we do not realize it, we still do it at the subconscious level. We can’t help doing it because it is hardwired into our DNA going back to a time when making almost instant decisions about others based upon what we could see could be a matter of life and death. That good ole’ fight or flight system that we now call the sympathetic nervous system.

Professional headshot of a blonde woman wearing a black blouse.
Realtor Carroll Mitchell photographed by Dallas Photographer, Rick Porier of DFW Pro Photo.

Friend or Foe?

This instinct has been honed over hundreds of thousands of years and is still active in our brains and bodies today, even if we don’t realize it. We make snap judgments about others based on what we can see; especially when that person is a stranger. For our distant tribal ancestors, this was a matter of survival. They had to be able to quickly access if someone was a friend or foe. Are they a threat to you or your tribe’s survival? Like it or not, this system is still very much a part of who you are in this modern world we live in. So, are you a friend or foe? What does your headshot say about you?

Studio headshot of blonde lady wearing a white blouse.
Headshot taken by Dallas Photographer Rick Porier of DFW Pro Photo.

The Assumptions We Make From A Headshot

When we see a picture of someone, usually a headshot, our mind automatically begins to make all sorts of assumptions, both conscious and unconscious. We look at how they are dressed and what kind of expression they have on their face. We may even form opinions about their background or upbringing. It is not just the physical that can influence these judgments but also the way that person is presented. Most importantly, how does this image make me feel? Headshots can be used to make a statement, such as appearing confident and professional, or friendly and inviting.

Similarly, resumes are used to present an individual’s experience, qualifications, and accomplishments in a concise way. We assume that the more impressive the resume looks, the better the applicant must be. However, resumes alone cannot provide us with a full picture of a person’s capabilities, and this is where headshots come into play. Headshots can provide insight into an individual’s character and personality in ways that resumes simply cannot do.

Studio headshot of a man in a blue checkered jacket and blue shirt with no tie.
Headshot taken by Dallas Photographer Rick Porier of DFW Pro Photo.

Professional Headshot Vs. Smartphone Photo

When it comes to making a lasting first impression, having your headshot taken by a professional photographer will make all the difference. Smartphone photos are usually of low quality and lack proper lighting which can give off a negative impression. Professional headshots possess superior lighting, framing, and clarity that adds to one’s credibility as well as provide them with a distinguished image that says to the viewer that you mean business.

Experienced professional headshot photographers are also usually masters at reading facial expressions and body language. To be a great portrait photographer of any kind you must be great at reading facial expression and body language. The slight change of tension in the eyes or lips can convey completely different subconscious messages to your viewer that you may be completely unaware of, but a really good portrait or headshot photographer can see it and the really good ones are masters of it.

First Impressions – The 7-Second Rule

Studies have shown that within seven seconds of meeting someone for the first time, we already have formed an idea about them. This is referred to as the “7-second rule“. This means that if you are looking for a job or if you are looking to make a good impression on someone very important you must look put together.

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Or should we say, “putting your best face forward” in this case? Let’s face it. There are some things you just don’t cut corners or scrimp on. Like getting a good mattress for example if you want to get good sleep and be well rested. What does it say to someone else when you don’t have a professional headshot and your competitor does? And what does that headshot say about you?

Dallas Headshot Photographer Rick Porier of DFW Pro Photo is a master at reading body language and facial expressions and as a former model, he also knows all about the ins and outs of posing. If you want to outdo your competition and make a significant impression, then contact us or give us a call at 972-878-9669. We are always happy to help, and we would love to work with you.


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