Jan 30, 2023

Makeup tips for your photoshoot

Woman allying lip gloss

Just the FAQ’s #2

How should I do my makeup for a photoshoot?

I have been a photographer in Dallas for many years now. As a professional photographer that shoots everything from headshots, portraits and weddings to full-scale commercial shoots with professional hair and makeup artists, I can tell you that I have seen it all. Understanding things from the photographer and retouchers perspective will help you get better images delivered to you and may even save you some money too.


8 tips for doing your makeup for a photoshoot

  1. Start with a clean and moisturized face. This will ensure your makeup goes on smoothly and lasts longer.
  2. Use primer before applying foundation, as it provides a barrier that helps keep your makeup in place all day.
  3. Invest in high quality makeup products that won’t crease or smudge throughout the shoot.
  4. Apply concealer sparingly to any blemishes or dark under eye circles and blend it lightly with your finger tip. Don’t overdo it. That is what photoshop is for.
  5. Go for natural looking blush, bronzer and highlighter to create dimension and bring out your features without looking too made up.
  6. Make sure your base makeup matches your skin tone or it will show. Make sure you do not see any transition lines close to the hair, jaw or neck. Blend it in to the skin around where you applied your makeup.
  7. Set your makeup with powder or setting spray to make sure it doesn’t budge or smudge during the shoot.
  8. MOST IMPORTANT – DON’T OVERDO IT! You photographer is going to retouch your photos, so you do not need to worry about blemishes.

Professional Photo Retouching

If you “cake-on” your makeup it is going to look like caked-on makeup in your images. That is the last thing you want to do and is really hard to undo in the editing and photo retouching process. It is much better to under-do-it than it is to over-do-it. We can apply additional makeup in the retouching process if needed and that is much easier to do. Make sure too, if you are going to someone else to do your makeup, that they do not overdo your makeup. In my experience makeup artists almost always overdo it. Doing your makeup for a wedding for example should be very different than it needs to be for most photoshoots. Show your makeup artist this article and they should get the gist of it.

When we retouch your photos all of those blemishes and eye-bags are going to miraculously disappear and you won’t be able to tell that the images have been retouched at all. You are going to look better than you can probably imagine, too. Once images are delivered I almost always get an email, call or review from our clients saying something like, “Wow, these are wonderful, you did an amazing job!” When images are retouched properly, your friends will say, “Wow, that is a great picture of you,” but they won’t be able to tell that it is retouched at all. The retouching is subtle but makes a huge difference.

Still have questions about doing your makeup?

If you have any questions or need help with your makeup before your shoot then don’t hesitate to contact us or give use call. We work with some amazing Makeup Artists and we are always happy to help in anyway that we can. You can call or text DFW Pro Photo at 972-878-9669 or send and email to info@dfwprophoto.com.




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